
Pulses – The Secret to Better Health, Skin, and Hair

We have been living with pulses for ages, and they are the most broadly used foods throughout the world. With a variety of pulses around us, they have particular nutritional importance. The health benefits of pulses are proven due to their protein and fiber content and all vital vitamins and minerals, such as iron, zinc, folate, and magnesium. Read on how pulses are good for your health, skin, and hair.

Food is important for our overall health, fitness, and well-being. A good habit is to eat healthy in order to maintain the nutrients level in our body, which keeps us strong and healthy. It also helps us retain reasonable body weight and improves metabolic functions.

A typical Indian diet includes pulses, grains, and vegetables, making it a balanced diet. Pulses serve the most of the nutrition with this diet. To get the best health benefits of pulses, you can just start adding more of them to your diet actively. Pulses like lentils, black pulses, kidney beans, and chickpeas have numerous benefits. A healthy body and a happier mind are just some of the health benefits of pulses. 

Let’s understand the health benefits of pulses…

  1. Pulses are filled with vitamins and minerals

    Pulses and dals in your daily meals can fulfill the requirement of all the essential vitamins and minerals. Pulses are considered a great source of high protein and fiber and calcium, potassium, zinc, iron, magnesium, and folate, which we need to perform daily tasks efficiently. In addition, vitamins and minerals from pulses are necessary for our body to help us fight infections, heal wounds, make our bones stronger, and regulate hormones. 

  1. Pulses are high in protein content

    One of the significant health benefits of pulses is their protein content. Due to their high amounts of amino acids, pulses are a rich source of proteins. Proteins help our body maintain its stability as well as power. Thus, if you go through a lot of physical activity, pulses are good for your health. You can also include dairy products, whole organic grains, and nuts in your daily meals to ensure the daily dose of delicious protein in your body. Pulses also help the body grow and recover faster from injuries and illnesses and boost its immunity. 

  1. Pulses may act as good antioxidants

    As a rich source of polyphenols, pulses act as good antioxidants. Antioxidants are a must for your body as they protect your body cells against free radicals, which are a by-product of metabolism activity. This again suggests why pulses are good for your health. In addition, antioxidants also help remove toxins from the body, which makes them suitable for your overall well-being; thus, pulses are considered good for glowing skin and shiny hair.

  1. Pulses support a healthy heart

    One of the major health benefits of pulses is a healthy heart. Different types of pulses may help reduce your body’s cholesterol levels and thus helps improve heart health. Also, pulses generally have high potassium and low sodium, promoting optimum blood pressure.

  1. Pulses may reduce the risk of diabetes

    Pulses have a low glycemic index which helps you in maintaining an optimal blood sugar level. People who regularly add pulses to their diet may have a lower chance of getting diabetes. And people already with diabetes can surely add pulses in their meals to maintain a minimum rise in blood sugar levels. No doubt pulses are good for your health and fitness. But, you might wonder which pulses to include in your diet to achieve and maintain better health, skin, and hair? Here is our short guide to 5 types of pulses you must include in your diet. Of course, we always recommend including organic pulse products in your diet.

Summing it up

Now that you know why pulses are good for your body, you might also agree that including pulses in your daily diet helps you stay healthy and happy. 

Different types of pulses and their benefits differ from person to person. Although pulses are recommended for everyone, their high dosages are good for growing children, pregnant women, and the elderly.

Finding high-quality organic pulses is as important as including them in your diet, and you need to know a trusted place for buying them. With Dwaraka Organic, you are at the right spot. 

You can find all the best quality organic pulses on our website and at your nearest Indian grocery stores. We are also available on Amazon.